As I noted in my post yesterday, the plan was to head up north and stop at various airfields along the way and that's exactly what i did.
First stop was North Shore:
Visiting Aircraft:
ZK-ECL Tecnam P96
ZK-MTJ Diamond DA.40
ZK-MTL Diamond DA.40
ZK-RNX Cessna 172N
ZK-SDC Cessna 208B
Local Aircraft:
ZK-BKH Piper PA-18
ZK-CJO Alpi Pioneer 300
ZK-DMW Cessna 172S
ZK-EYT Vans RV-8
ZK-HPT Robinson R.22
ZK-HPW Bell OH-58A
ZK-IAT Robinson R.22
ZK-ICN Guimbal Cabri G2
ZK-IJX Bell 505
ZK-LAD Piper PA-38
ZK-LGR Piper PA-28
ZK-MDX Cessna 172P
ZK-MGU Cessna 182P
ZK-RJR Tecnam P.92
ZK-RPM Cessna U206F
ZK-SCM Vans RV-12
ZK-TZS Tecnam P.2002
ZK-WYT Cessna 182T
ZK-ZZB Tecnam P2008
A very nice day, so spent a few hours taking pics:
Next stop on the agenda was Parakai airfield. Not much happening, but here are the aircraft I saw, all locals:
ZK-DPD Cessna 177RG
ZK-ECL Tecnam P96
ZK-ENZ Piper PA-32
ZK-JQX Cobra Arrow Mk.2
ZK-LFD Aeroprakt A22
ZK-MAM Zenair CH601
ZK-MBS Socata TB10
ZK-PRO Aero-Cros MP-02
ZK-RBZ TAG Aviation Titanium Explorer
ZK-RIG Acron Industries UFO Heli-Thruster
ZK-SDF Pacific Aerospace 750XL
ZK-TNM Tecnam P2004
ZK-TST Tecnam P2002
ZK-VOK John Black Skyline Cruiser
Next stop was Kaipara flats to catch up with Sir Minty from the NZ Civil Aircraft blog, good amount of people showed up and basically every hangar opened up for us! So here is everything I saw:
Visiting Aircraft:
ZK-FGJ Cessna 172P
ZK-TZS Tecnam P.2002
Local Aircraft:
ZK-ASM De Havilland Tiger Moth
ZK-CCQ De Havilland Tiger Moth
ZK-CVK ICP Savannah XL
ZK-DCU Fantasy Air Allegro 2000
ZK-DLW Cessna 172L (Unregistered)
ZK-EJR Cessna 172N
ZK-FDE Flight Design CTLS
ZK-JAT Pipistrel Alpha Trainer
ZK-JFC Socata TB20
ZK-JHR Isaacs Fury II
ZK-KMM Jodel D9
ZK-NOL Tecnam P96
ZK-RBC Aviat A-1B
ZK-RCV Neil Hintz Tandem Dominator
ZK-SEA Aero Gare Sea Hawk
ZK-SLG The Airplane Factory Sling
ZK-TXN Fly Synthesis Texan Top Class
Of course I had to get some pics!
Huge thanks to Keith for our time at Kaipara Flats, really enjoyed it!
Last stop for the day was Whangarei, not really anything happening, but aircraft noted were as follows:
Visiting Aircraft:
ZK-DOS Piper PA-28
ZK-ERM Piper PA-23
Local Aircraft:
ZK-CBZ Cessna 172M
ZK-DRN Cessna 172M
ZK-DWZ Pipstrel Virus SW
Looking forward to another day in northland tomorrow!